Ankle Fractures

Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures can occur with a twisting or rolling injury to the foot/ankle, a fall and in high impact trauma such as a car accident. The type of fracture .i.e whether it is a stable or unstable fracture will determine your management in hospital i.e. whether you are put in a cast or have surgery. Once your fracture is sufficiently healed, your orthopaedic surgeon will advise you to commence physiotherapy.

At Iona Physiotherapy, we will assess your gait (how you walk), your range of movement, muscle flexibility and strength and proprioception (joint position sense.) Based on your individual assessment, treatment may include manual therapy to restore movement and exercises to improve strength, flexibility, proprioception and function. It is crucial that you regain normal movement (as this can lead to other problems e.g. plantar fasciitis) in addition to normal strength and proprioception (to help prevent further twisting type injuries to the ankle.)
