


Exercise comes in many forms – specific exercises for improving flexibility, strength or endurance for specific muscles or groups, proprioception or balance exercises for improving joint awareness e.g. after an ankle sprain, aerobic exercise for improving cardiovascular fitness; to name just a few.

The best effects with exercise are seen when it is specifically prescribed for an individual and is overseen by a clinician. Exercise is also the most effective way of preventing recurrence of many musculoskeletal conditions e.g. low back pain.

At IONA Physiotherapy, you will receive a bespoke exercise plan based on a detailed musculoskeletal assessment and your diagnosis, to help you achieve your treatment goals; whether that goal is to return to high level sport or dance following an injury or to simply return to work-related activities.


Manual Therapy


Manual therapy is the umbrella term used to describe manual treatment techniques applied to the soft tissues and joints of the musculoskeletal system. Manual therapy includes soft tissue massage (such as Swedish Remedial Massage or trigger point compression), joint mobilisations (such as Maitland’s low velocity joint movements) and joint manipulations (high velocity thrust techniques).

Manual therapy may also include active techniques, meaning that the patient applies their own force to assist with the mobilisation technique, such as Muscle Energy Techniques or Mulligan’s Mobilisations with Movement.

Research has shown that manual therapy can provide significant short to medium term improvements in pain, movement and function and has a much better effect overall, when combined with exercise therapy. This means that, for example, for lower back pain, manual therapy will significantly help reduce pain and regain movement and facilitate a patient making more permanent progress with prescribed exercise.


Ergonomics Interventions


Ergonomics is the science that studies the relationship between how we work and the environment we work in. Good ergonomics allows a person to work in an environment that causes minimal physical strain on the body and is a crucial part of injury prevention. This is important for all of us- no matter what we work at! For example:

  • For a person with a desk based job: having the screen, chair or computer mouse at the incorrect height, or in the incorrect place, may predispose someone to developing a neck or upper limb problem.
  • For a chef: given the repetitive nature of food preparation and the demand to be standing, having the work surface
  • at the incorrect height could be a contributing factor in developing low back pain.
  • For a musician: poor technique, posture and an incorrectly sized instrument could predispose to neck or shoulder pain and even overuse injuries at the wrist.

At IONA Physiotherapy, we have a particular interest in ergonomics and work place assessments as we see this as an important part of a comprehensive rehabilitation programme and in injury prevention. Making our work environments a pleasant and productive place is of interest to employees and employers alike. Ergonomic and work placed assessments can be arranged on an individual basis or a workshop can be carried out in a group setting.

If you use a computer at work or home, run through this self-assessment checklist from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the US, to assess and improve your setup.


Taping and Strapping

Taping and Strapping

There are many different types of taping materials and techniques and chartered physiotherapists are experts at selecting the type of tape and technique that is most appropriate for you:

  • Rigid Strapping Tape (sometimes referred to as sports tape) can be used to stabilise or support a ligament injury, relieve pain by unloading the painful tissues or facilitate normal movement.
  • Elastic strapping tape can be used when less support or rigidity is required for example, supporting a muscle strain.
  • Kinesiology tape is a type of elastic tape that assists how muscles function during movement.

At IONA Physiotherapy we offer many types of taping and strapping materials and techniques for foot strapping, ankle strapping, knee strapping, shoulder strapping , wrist/hand/ thumb strapping, hamstring muscle strapping, calf muscle strapping etc. Taping can be a useful adjunct to your rehab from injury, including allowing return to sport while protecting an injury but the exact diagnosis and extent of your injury are the major determinants of return to sport. Following a thorough musculoskeletal assessment, we will discuss with you whether or not taping will be helpful for your problem and which type of tape and taping technique is most appropriate.




You rely on your feet to propel you for almost every physical activity you do. The foot is a complex structure that moves in 3-D motion. For optimum function and comfortable feet, the biomechanics need to be finely tuned and working efficiently.

A problem with the biomechanics of your feet (e.g. over pronation, supination etc.) can cause a feeling of “tired feet” or pain in the feet, knees, hips and spine. Orthotics (a special type of insole in your shoe) work to optimize the biomechanics of the feet, leading to less strain on your feet, lower limbs and spine. The range of orthotics available is comprehensive; ranging from a simple off the shelf device to a device that is custom made (from a mold of your foot) in a laboratory for your individual foot.

We can customize your orthotic depending on your foot mechanics, your weight, sport, level of activity and type of shoes that you wear. Of course, like glasses, not everyone needs orthotics and sometimes advice regarding the most appropriate footwear for your foot type is sufficient. The best treatment option will be discussed with you after a comprehensive biomechanical assessment.


Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

As Clinical Specialists in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, we are specialised in the diagnosis and management of problems of the musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, nerves, connective tissue etc), including sports injuries. Sports injuries can result from mechanical trauma (acute injuries e.g. ligament sprain) or repetitive overload to the musculoskeletal tissues (overuse injuries e.g. tendinopathy or stress fracture).

At IONA Physiotherapy, we see people from all types of sport, including dance performance. There are only so many ways to injure the musculoskeletal system but each sport carries with it various physical demands and risks of injury. Rehabilitation following injury must vary accordingly which is why, with the same injury e.g. an ankle sprain; the rugby player will be rehabbed differently to the teenage gymnast, ensuring a safe return to sport.

Sports physiotherapy encompasses this difference in focus and also includes injury prevention. Pre-season screening is available for all sports people and performers and will form the foundation of an individualised exercise programme aimed at minimising the risk of injury throughout the season.

Treatments Uncategorized

Manual Therapy


Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is the umbrella term used to describe manual treatment techniques applied to the soft tissues and joints of the musculoskeletal system. Manual therapy includes soft tissue massage (such as Swedish Remedial Massage or trigger point compression), joint mobilisations (such as Maitland’s low velocity joint movements) and joint manipulations (high velocity thrust techniques).

Manual therapy may also include active techniques, meaning that the patient applies their own force to assist with the mobilisation technique, such as Muscle Energy Techniques or Mulligan’s Mobilisations with Movement.

Research has shown that manual therapy can provide significant short to medium term improvements in pain, movement and function and has a much better effect overall, when combined with exercise therapy. This means that, for example, for low back pain, manual therapy will significantly help reduce pain and regain movement and facilitate a patient making more permanent progress with prescribed exercise.



Musculoskeletal physiotherapy is the specialisation within physiotherapy that focuses on the diagnosis and management of problems of the musculoskeletal system i.e. muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, nerves, connective tissue etc. Examples of such problems are mechanical spinal pain, whiplash associated disorders, arthritis and sports injuries, such as soft tissue injuries (ligament sprains and muscle injuries).

As Clinical Specialists in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, we are committed to evidence-based practice. This means that along with our combined 30 plus years of clinical experience, recent, good quality research findings continually inform our practice. This ensures that our patients receive the best physiotherapy treatment options available for musculoskeletal conditions, as well as appropriate referral onwards (for example to an orthopaedic surgeon or neurosurgeon) in the minority of cases where the desired treatment outcome is not achieved or physiotherapy is not the best treatment available for your particular problem.

There now exists a strong research base for a combination of manual therapy, exercise and education being effective for treating many musculoskeletal conditions, for example spinal pain.