
Physiotherapy after a Fracture

1.Seek advice from your physiotherapist about which exercises you can do from the outset, even if you are being immobilised in a cast. For example, if in a cast for a wrist fracture, moving the joints above (neck, shoulder and elbow) and below (hand) will reduce the amount of physiotherapy you need afterwards. Seek advice, what you are allowed to do will depend on your fracture.
2. Once the bone has healed enough (united) your cast will be removed and you can start physiotherapy. Your exercises will begin gently with a focus on controlling swelling and will be progressed so that you achieve good movement, strength and function.
3.Its really helpful if you can bring your x-ray reports (or other imaging) along to your first physiotherapy appointment so that your physiotherapist can find out more about your specific injury.
For appointments phone the clinic on 01 7979545